I have heard others on this forum mention that you can do Active:Active clusters with FC in Windows 2012 ( and probably earlier versions). I understand that you need to create another cluster ( another logical host ) and you'd need separate shared storage/nics and the rest etc... all good there.
I also learned that you'd need to ensure that on a 2 node cluster that no one service/app in your logical host could consume more than 50% of the system it runs on. ( NOTE: I am assuming that I am running the same app on each cluster node each pointing to their own piece of shared storage - so 50%..)
I'd like to better understand what my options are for controlling resources so that ensure that my <Engr> app doesn't run wild and consume all the (CPU/RAM/NET) resources on Node-1 so that the other 50% can be left in case the 2nd active Node-2 fails over its <Same> application onto Node-1..
Are these resource controls wired(or surfaced) into the Microsoft FC framework somewhere ? Can anyone elaborate on that or would I for E.g. need to use something like System Center to guarantee this or does WSRM still exists and is it used or ?? IS there a system resource scheduler that can be leveraged ? Maybe use of processor sets or ??
I am just looking some guidance here - because from what I see as long as the <Engr> App is *very* well behaved and isn't "wild" it might be tempting to try this on 2 nodes that are 2x configured..
Thanks for any guidance and/or words or wisdom