We are using Windows Server 2008 R2 and configured SQL Server Cluster services.
Randomly every 10-15 days cluster service gets hang and to load resource list in Failover Cluster manager it takes very long time(almost 10-15 mins). When this issue is happening then in SQL server if we try to add any anew DB then it does not allow us to create and query run on and on.
From the SQL Server logs we came to know waittype as PREEMPTIVE_CLUSAPI_CLUSTERRESOURCECONTROL it means cluster service is hung some where.
Not sure how to troubleshoot this issue, I have checked event log for cluster service but not getting any clue.
When we restart our server then cluster server becomes normal and after 10-15 days it again starts behaving same way.
Need help how to find out the reason where cluster service is hung?