So I try to link the networkname of a cluster resource to the AD object by the objectGUID.
If I execute following command 'Get-ClusterResource -Cluster CLxxx -Name NameOfResource' the NetworkName object is returned. I can ask for the clusterparameters and the parameter ObjectGUID '(Get-ClusterResource -Cluster CLxxx -Name NameOfResource | Get-ClusterParameter -Name objectguid).Value'
It will return something like '5efa2b5674c75d43bcdad1c2c183d5ca'
So far so good.
If I try to get the ADobject from Active Directory:
(Get-ADComputer -Filter {Name -Like "$Name"}).ObjectGUID.guid
It will return something like '562bfa5e-c774-435d-bcda-d1c2c183d5ca'
It is almost the same but not quite.
Al the characters are there but not in the correct order.
ClusterParameter: 5efa2b5674c75d43bcdad1c2c183d5ca
Active Directory: 562bfa5e-c774-435d-bcda-d1c2c183d5ca
If you look at the string AD returned you can split the string in 5 sequences on the '-'.
The last 2 are in the correct order but the first three have to switch front to back (2 characters at a time).
ClusterParameter: 5efa2b56-74c7-5d43-bcda-d1c2c183d5ca
Active Directory: 562bfa5e-c774-435d-bcda-d1c2c183d5ca
It is the same on 2008,2012 and 2016.
Does someone have an explanation for this?